“A New Year. A new day. Begin Again.”
Essential Shift: Refining My Work with You
Every few years, I find the essence of my work with and for you changes. A good thing, a healthy thing! That means you’ll experience new stuff over the next few months: new website, new YouTube videos, more Newsletters packed with inspiring stories and music for people like us who experience “Family Shame and Blame” and chose to go “No Contact.” You are not alone. We are not alone. Together, we can do anything. One step at a time … leading to the Empowered Essential You!
Now, let’s share some appreciation…
What I appreciate about 2016 and look forward to an increase in 2017…
enjoying ever-expanding awareness
celebrating resilient health
stimulating new life rhythms
nurturing the fellowship of longtime friends
breathing on the spark of new friendships
recognizing wonderful teachers
welcoming aligned peers and collaborators
traveling to uplifting places and receiving the hospitality of others
hearing the sounds of laughter
pausing for the breath-taking, exquisite beauty in the smallest moments
eating delicious foods
being humble before the Truth in Chaos
soft sweetness in our hearts
accepting the overflowing abundance of life
resting in the palm of God’s hands and surrendering to the Stream of Consciousness
being excited about tomorrow…
With Laughter and Love,
SusanJoy Grieco