Hey, you got “The Notion?”
“The Notion is the New Bread Crumbs.” – SusanJoy Grieco
It Began with a Children’s Story
When I was little, I heard fairy tale story of a “Hansel and Gretel.” It was about little boy and girl who navigated their way through a great big unknown forest with bread crumbs. Because it’s widely read, I suspect you’ve heard a story like it … or something like it.
2020 is the Big Unknown.
Certainly, the idea of having some kind of guidance system on your journey is a shared one.
So here we are now, in a great big unknown forest of a world in 2020. Naturally there are dark spots, bright spots, lots of newness and mystery before us.
How do we know what to do now in the new reality 2020?
Now more than ever before, I feel guidance in the form of things occurring to me. Take the example of “The Notion” to take an action or say something. “The Notion.” For instance, Tingles in my body or another example whispers directing me to clean a closet or strange as it seems sing in the shower for all of Facebook to hear.
How my Life was Impacted and What You Can Learn.
As a natural outcome of all this, my personal life and emotional challenges draw that awareness out of me. And as I let of old beliefs or habits that just don’t help me “become Me” anymore, then my awareness of “The Notion” amplifies. Certainly, as a songwriter and writer, I feel guided to put pen to paper often, easily. But the last 7 years, my world changed drastically. Over time, I discovered that I needed to let go of things that drained my resources and replace them with things that replenish me. And then I realized I needed a more refined guidance system. Gradually, I learned to lean on something bigger with a soft touch: my own inner guidance. So, in the last 6 months, I found myself really trusting and following “The Notion.”
So, it occurred to me that The Notion is like the new bread crumbs. It is the Guidance. And it is Personalized guidance.
Are you feeling “The Notion” to do something?
Ooooo, that is good news. So make sure to follow it through. Seriously, everything we know is upside down, the clocks are spinning backwards, so to speak, this is the time.
Because of the window of opportunity, now is the best time to follow the tingles, itches and whispers that are “The Notion.”
Are you ready to follow “The Notion?”
Are you ready to follow “The Notion?”
Please comment below and share how it is working for you.
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Refresh. Recharge. Replenish
Are you ready to follow “The Notion?”
Refresh. Recharge. Replenish
Refresh. Recharge. Replenish