Gene Key 20
Superficiality ~ Self-Assuredness ~ Presence

Nature loves to be playful. Sure, it’s serious business too, what with co-facilitating a Planet in the Cosmos and all. 😉 Yes, Nature plays with us in each cycle of awareness, no matter how gritty it may become. Like… there is a time of discovery and superficial investment. Dabbling. Also, there is the development of self-assuredness as the “trial and error” gives way to authentic “sure-footedness.” And then there is the cycle where you know who you are. Fully present. Knowing what you know. Happy to be seen or not be seen. Happy from the inside out. Presence.
Captivating Choice
This week, this photo of a marsh wading bird presented itself to me. And I felt that whisper, here is your Gene Key 20. The unique bird is called the Least Bittern. I was captivated by its choice to be both present and blend in with the beauty of Nature. Unmistakably there and playfully enjoying the gifts it is given. So vibrant, so present. Presence.
(These are my personal musings on how the Gene Keys show up for me. For the original transmission, read Richard Rudd’s “Gene Keys” book or go to The photo credit goes to The Raptor Trust in New Jersey.)